Become a Friend
Join our membership programme today to enjoy some exclusive benefits, insights into productions and exciting events.
Our annual membership costs & benefits are listed below, starting at £100+ for the year.
Friends, £100+
Become a Friend of AOD Actors of Dionysus (FOD) & receive regular news updates from our Artistic Director & a special anniversary pin
Be acknowledged as a Friend on our website and at charity fund raising events
To become a Friend please go on our CAF link above and click on £100.
Patrons, £500+
All the Benefits of a FOD plus
Receive a special celebratory bundle of aod’s repertoire recorded in books, CDS and DVDS
Become a Patron of AOD Actors of Dionysus (POD) & receive invitations to special aod events and performances and commission a #MiniMyth of your choice performed by our Artistic Director
Be acknowledged as a Patron on our website and at charity fund raising events
To become a Patron please click on above link and click on £500
Gods, £1000+
Become a God of AOD Actors of Dionysus (GOD)
All the Benefits of a Patron plus
Receive a signed limited edition print of aod’s Bacchae at Osterley Park
Join us for exclusive and intimate events with our trustees & featuring special guest appearances and bespoke perormances.
To become a God please go on our CAF link above and click on £1000
Olympian, £5000
Well you’ve truly arrived!
All the benefits of a GOD plus….
Enter our Omphalós ὀμφᾰλός (translated as navel or centre of the world) and join our core team of passionate advocates and ambassadors who enable us to stand up for the Classics and achieve our mission of inspiring young people to engage with and reinvent ancient myth
Receive a special Olympian welcome and walk the red carpet at special events
Be acknowledged as an Olympian on our website and at charity fund raising events
To become an Olympian please go to our CAF link above and click on Custom
If you are a UK tax payer please also consider gift aiding your donation as this would further support the charity.
Thank you to our loyal supporters
Tessa Smith, John Badcock, Robert Garbett, Maureen Sutherland Smith, David Watson