Oedipus DVD


Sophocles’ masterpiece of mistaken identity, arrogance and fate.



aod present David Stuttard’s version of Sophocles’ masterpiece of mistaken identity, arrogance and fate.

Environmental degradation. An epidemic sweeping the nation. A head of state so certain of his own abilities that he sees any criticism as a threat. But what if he is the problem? And how will he accept the truth?

This production is directed by Tamsin Shasha. aod toured with Oedipus in 1995, 1998, 2003 and 2006 – It is one of our favourites!

Running time: Approx 70 mins
Age guidance: 12+


“David Stuttard’s adaptation is gripping stuff, as sharp as steel and wholly accessible…Superb.” The Stage

“Vivid and compelling…A performance of power and assurance.” Halifax Evening Courier

“It would be difficult to praise the Actors of Dionysus too highly for their new production of Oedipus.” St Andrews Citizen