Magic from Myth Coding Workshops
Magic from Myth coding workshops

Magic from Myth Coding Workshops

AOD Actors of Dionysus are excited to announce its new drama and digital working series in collaboration with coding experts Coder Dojo Brighton and supported by the charity Raspberry Pi Foundation. These FREE workshops are for young people aged 6-16 in Whitehawk, Portslade and Brighton and will prioritise SEND participants.

We are offering three full day practical workshops (10am – 4pm) which consist of a 2 and half hour drama workshop exploring exciting characters from ancient and local myth and an afternoon workshop where participants (Ninjas!) work with Coder Dojo mentors to learn how to code using the programming language Scratch. Workshops will be fun, inclusive and aim to inspire both an interest in myth and coding and how the two can combine to create a digital story!

Dates and locations have now been confirmed and will take place on the following dates and venues:

23rd Nov 2024 at The Crew Club, 26 Coolham Drive, Whitehawk, BN2 5QW

7th Dec 2024 at Blast Theory, 20 Wellington Road, Portslade, BN2 3AA

1st Feb 2025 at Community Base, 113 Queen’s Road, Brighton, BN1 3XG

and there will be a Show & Tell opportunity later on in the year – most likely in April – to share work in progress with friends and family at Platf9rm in Hove.

Please complete the google form if you would like to book a place (s) on 1 of the dates.

This project is part funded by the UK government and Brighton and Hove City Council through the Shared Prosperity Fund and also by Chalk Cliff Trust, but further funding is being sought from other sources, including trusts and foundations and corporate sponsors. This is a pilot project and we hope to expand the project to other regions beyond Sussex. AOD Actors of Dionysus is keen to hear from anyone who is interested in supporting this dynamic digital project.

Here are some images from our last 2 sessions in Whitehawk and Portslade:

Comments from participants and parents has included:

I loved the performance and creating the videogame, Roman Show

Henry loved the storytelling / performance. His favourite one was the one with the Knucker monster and the giant cream pie, Jodie Schwick parent of Henry

Amazing – educational – fun, Ada & Lily Bennett

Fun – eye-opening – intriguing – educational. My child enjoyed the coding the most, Callum Shirley

I enjoyed learning, and listening about the different myths, Iona Dodd

I really like Atalanta because I made Atalanta and the wild boar go on a date, Dolores

Frank took inspiration from the myths but went off in the direction of a frog god based game. Dolores made a surreal and comedic animation based on Atalanta, parent of Dolores and Frank

DON’T MISS OUR FINAL WORKSHOP for this initial pilot on 1st Feb at Community Base. SIGN UP HERE.

Here’s a pic from our taster session of our Magic from Myth coding workshops which took place on 9th Nov at Platf9rm at Hove Town Hall 2024:

For further information please contact Tamsin on