Helen was conceived, performed and co-written by Tamsin Shasha in collaboration with Jonathan Young who also directed.
AOD Actors of Dionysus toured Helen twice in 2016 and 2014. The role of the guard was played by Marcos Tajadura and Tyler Fayose respectively. The role of Helen was played by Tamsin Shasha. Pics are by Patrick Dodds and Peter Williams.
What People Say
Astonishing and unforgettable...This is a highly, highly recommended production.
Fringe Review 2016 -
An intensely harrowing and refreshingly unique take on the legend of Helen of Troy.
Reviews Hub 2016 -
A fantastic aesthetic quality to the piece…Haunting…Gripping…Helen is a visual treat…Well worth checking out.
A Younger Theatre 2014 -
Helen is a rollercoaster ride of emotion and a fantastic adaptation of a story millenia old.
Salford Online