Magic from Myth at Crew Club Whitehawk!
We had a great first Magic from Myth coding and storytelling workshop at the Crew Club in Brighton last week. It was an inspiring day including performance from Tamsin and Mark and Mentoring from Coder Dojo Brighton. Many thanks to the Raspberry Pi Foundation for donating laptops for the coding – we couldn’t have done it without you!
Feedback included:
Amazing, educational and fun.
Eye opening and intriguing.
I loved learning especially about the different myths.
Fantastic – it was cool learning about the bull.
I enjoyed the coding most but loved the performance comedy bits!

Our next workshop is this Saturday 7th Dec, 10am – 4pm at Blast Theory in Portslade.
Please complete the google form if you would like to attend. We have a waiting list but we’ll do our best to accommodate you!