Sustainability Policy

Last reviewed: July 2024

Date of next Review: July 2025

AOD Actors of Dionysus is committed to promoting sustainability. Concern for the environment is integral to our organisation and practices, we work hard to reduce the environmental impact of our work and to encourage all those who work with aod to do the same. Our sustainability policy highlights our principles and the ways we put these principles into practice.

Our Sustainability policy is based on the following principles:

  • To measure our environmental impact through the Race to Zero organisation.
  • To report annually to Race to Zero and strive to improve our results every year.
  • To work to reduce our environmental impact each year, aiming to achieve net zero emissions by 2040 with the support of SME Climate Hub.
  • To ensure that all staff are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing it.
  • To minimise impact on the environment through all activities both artistic and administrative.

In order to put these principles into practice we will:

  • Work from home where possible and reduce unnecessary travel.
  • For national touring projects we shall arrange geographically friendly schedules and keep unnecessary travel to a minimum.
  • Limit printing unless absolutely necessary.
  • Ensure that we use sustainable materials and practices when designing physical set, costume and sound/ lighting (through hiring rather than purchasing new items and working with second-hand items where possible).
  • Ensuring our Artistic Director, Education Officer and Administrator and our Trustees are up to date with environmental policies, legislation and codes of practice as our Environmental leads.
  • Arrange for recycling/ reuse of all materials involved in artistic/ administrative projects where possible.
  • Undertake work to create Artistic Projects that encourage people to engage with Environmentally friendly practices.
  • Ensure that any freelance staff, contractors or designers that we employ take account of sustainability issues.
  • Where possible, use digital technologies to reduce the impact of physical events and in the case that this is not possible – consider sustainability in every stage of event planning.
  • Ensure that any venues we work with take account of sustainability issues.
  • Be members of, engage with, take part in and advocate for organisations like Southeast Coastal Cultural Assembly, ONCA, Culture Declares Emergency and Theatre Green Book